Walk-ins for Listening Post are available on weekly basis. Please check calendar for the schedule.
Listening Post is a space where you can talk about anything that’s on your mind and our volunteers will listen – with empathy and without judgement.
It’s soothing to talk about experiences, desires, challenges, and issues to another trusted individual. What about talking feels so good? Why is it that one feels calmer and more centred when someone listens carefully and mindfully to everything one has to say?
That’s because talking aloud to someone helps you understand your own thoughts and feelings, and in the process, you find your own answers.
No matter what you are going through in life, it is a universal truth that you are your own solution provider. But for this to happen, you sometimes need a person who will listen to you without judgement, with sensitivity and with an open mind.
Friends and family may listen but may also be judgmental and offer well-meaning but unsolicited advice. This may intefere with what you may want to do.
Listening Post offers you a process of active listening so that you hear your own thoughts, obtain clarity, and arrive at your own solutions.
We believe that you are best equipped to find your own answers, and we serve as much needed facilitators/ sounding boards to bring you closer to resolution. No issue is too small, and, no problem is irrelevant for us; this space is devoted entirely to you and your needs. You may come as often as you wish and talk for as long as you like.
Moreover, if you need advice/guidance in other areas of life/work and don’t know where to seek help, the Listening Post serves as the first point of contact for you to air your needs, after which we will be happy to refer you to relevant specialists/counsellors who can address your issues.
Listening Post sessions are confidential and free.
Our Listening Post volunteers come from all walks of life and are well-trained to take the conversation forward.
Listening Post is also available on call every evening.
Please check the calendar for dates and timings.