Gender is fluid and its different manifestations range across a spectrum. Gender today encompasses the various shades of gender fluidity and identification. Also, sexual orientation and preferences are coming out from the closet.
LGBTQI related issues need sensitive understanding from those in the mainstream. We are seeing more and more of such different individuals, but unfortunately, social mores have not kept pace with these developments. As a result, society uses age old filters to judge and ostracise anyone who falls outside the boundaries of convention.
And this is making gender a sensitive issue. Gender stereotypes manifest in different ways, discrimination/ harassment at work/ home, marginalisation, unequal opportunity, unequal legal/economic rights, preferential treatment at work/home, etc. These have deep seated implications on the emotional health and well-being of the marginalised.
Our mission is to build gender sensitivity, create awareness, remove stigma, and foster acceptance for all. It boils down to accepting the individual as we are, allowing each of us to express ourselves and ensuring that none of us are denied our rights.
We offer individual support to all genders to deal with discrimination and heal your inner trauma, keeping confidentiality intact and/or direct you to trained experts in this field, should you need additional support. We also provide you and your family with a network of people in the community that can guide you towards the peace that you and family seek.
Some areas that we work in are LGBT support, sexual discrimination, child sexual abuse, support for parents to accept their adult children’s preferences etc.
Please call us to know more.
- Your discussions are completely confidential.
- By appointment only. Call on 84461 52961 for the appointment with our consultant volunteer.
- All LGBTQ Cell appointments will be preceded by a Listening Post session so that we have a case paper made ready for our Gender Fluid expert. Please check the calendar for Listening Post schedule.