In India suffering from mental illnesses is stigmatised. We tend to label those suffering from mental illnesses as not normal.
Mental illness is often not visible and so we do not accept/recognise it and seek help in time. As a result, the patient struggles, often alone. Even the family is unable to support them as lack of awareness and superstitions abound. The family members struggle to come to terms with the illness and do not know where to seek help.
For example, people recovering from Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Depression are susceptible to suicidal tendencies and need emotional support, which is rarely available.
We work with the families and individuals affected to generate empathy towards the condition, nurture well being and provide holistic care. Additionally, a trained facilitator is available in our Centre to help support patients or their family members wanting to know more about the illness or on how to help a loved one manage their lives.
- Your discussions are completely confidential.
- By appointment only. Call on 84461 52961 for the appointment with our consultant volunteer.
- All Mental Health Support appointments will be preceded by a Listening Post session so that we have a case paper made ready for our Therapy and Trauma expert. Please check the calendar for Listening Post schedule.