Listening Post

Care, Conversations, Confidence

Listening Post is a space where you can talk about anything that’s on your mind and our volunteers will listen – with empathy and without judgement.

We do not offer advice or solutions, but we listen through a process of active listening so that you hear your own thoughts, obtain clarity, and arrive at your own solutions.

We believe that you are best equipped to find your own answers, and we serve as much needed facilitators/sounding boards to bring you closer to resolution. No issue is too small, and, no problem is irrelevant for us; this space is devoted entirely to you and your needs. You may come as often as you wish and talk for as long as you like.

Listening Post


Jul 05 2019


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Shop No. 1, Siddharth Apartments, Gaikwad Nagar, Aundh, Pune
Listening Post Indemnity Pop-up